Women in Finance NG Launches with Brunch Series – Women in Finance NG launched its first brunch series at the White Space Agency in Ikoyi. The brunch hosted women in Nigeria’s finance sector to an afternoon of networking, professional development, and of course good food!
Women in Finance NG aims to bring Nigerian women in finance together to discuss core areas in the financial services sector as well as provide a platform for networking, mentorship, and professional development for women in the sector. “I am delighted we (United Capital) were a part of the launch of the Women in Finance NG. The brunch provided in depth insight, actionable and practical tools of engagement models that have been working for women in this (finance) space.
The theme for this session was ‘Leveraging Our Unique Capabilities for Social Change’ and during our discussion we discussed practical ways we can work as individuals but also a collective to become more of a force in the financial services industry. It was indeed a learning experience hearing each person’s perspective,” stated Oluwatoyin Sanni, Group CEO United Capital Plc.